The collective meandering thoughts of Kelly and Benji.

Wednesday 2 January 2008

The Train of the Hatred of Dissertations

10 Apr 2006

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a lover of repetitive things, I'm not too keen on fads, or jokes that everyone seems to make (unless they are funny), but I'm am afraid I am going to have to join the train of hatred of dissertations and moan about them for the whole friggin' journey.

Well...Here's whats happening in the world of Benji's dissertation. Not much. I've seen far more interesting programmes of Rex Hunt Fishing that have more going on in them than my dissertation. To all those who are planning to do one in the coming years, oh how I feel sorry for you, really i do, but not as sorry as I am for myself, they are truly rubbish entities.

Today I decided to have a look at previous travellers on the train of hatred of the dissertation. Whilst reading through a few by the Cultural Studies office a man wanders up to the desk with a bounce in his step. My ears pricked up and my stomach slightly began to turn as I had a feeling that I knew why he was there..... He uttered those words... "I'm here to hand in my final dissertation" plonking 2 copies of the bounded, full whack dissertation on the table, I almost puked there and then all over them. Thats right people TWENTY TWO DAYS EARLY....... There's gotta be some kind of loser prison that some people need to be sent to for that kind of behaviour....

People give advice near the beginning of them saying 'if you get on with these early, it'll save so much stress later'. Personally, I think thats absolute LIES. If one did decide to start early, it only means that rather than havin just a couple of months of freakin out about it and thinking about it, they have a WHOLE DAMN YEAR to think about it. Now my friends, consider this....a year of boredom, no thank you. So, therefore I am happy that I have waited this long to get on with it.

Already I can smell the train of hatred of dissertations getting closer to its destination, this station is known as 'Completion'. It's a lovely town, full of joy, peace, beverages and happiness. It's going to be a wonderful day, and along with my fellow final years, I wait in anticipation for that day, the sun will truly shine and if my smile that day was food, it could feed Africa, fact.Anyway, any sympathetic words will be greatly receieved. And any ways to avoid doing the work, or ways of stayin focussed are warmly welcomed. Thank You for your time, the train of hatred of the dissertation continues, all aboard!


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