The collective meandering thoughts of Kelly and Benji.

Friday, 29 February 2008


My apologies, it's almost been two weeks since we graced Winchester streets with our faces, but we have not updated the world with our antics in that time... so I'm sorry!

Anyway, our Saturday afternoon in Winchester was spent fundamentally in pubs, one to another, sitting around chatting, eating delightful plates of mixed grills and chips, basically exactly what we used to do when we were students...oh how I miss those days... when your main worry was either "shall I go to the garage to pick up a bottle of Frijj milkshake?" or "I can't believe I had 3 Damien Duff stickers in my football sticker pack this week, what a rip off".

Now I sit and write out job application answers... grrr... I'll get a radio job soon don't worry, then Kelly and I can take on the broadcasting world with a show that will make Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington seem like boring old farts... But they're not though, they are amazing (love you Karl!)

Right, so Winchester was great, I'm heading to Bournemouth this Saturday for Kelly and I to gel our two comedy minds to make a piece of sit-com art! So look forward to that! I'll get the Scottish one to add some photos from Winchester, I've got one of me from the morning, my delightful girlfriend decided to capture some of the grease from my hair....mmmmm...

Cheers for now

Thursday, 14 February 2008


Hot news: this weekend sees the return to Winchester for Kelly and Benji. That's right, the annual gathering of the 'has been' students who still wish they were living the uni lifestyle is upon us once more. Known as 'Winton', they come from far and wide, giving Kelly and Benji to meet with all the other 'kool kidz' fromm university and fun 'n' frolics.

What is sure to be a carnage filled time, Kelly will only be there during the day, but I'm sure fun will be had at both day and night, sleeping and awake. Oh yes. Further news to follow I'm sure...

Also, thought I'd add a picture of the 'Bearded Lady of Guildford'... Yes she's real... and yes she is a 'she'... love it.
The Bearded Lady of Guildford

P.S Happy Valentines day everybody, and much love to sent out to all on this special day :)

Friday, 8 February 2008

Age Concern...

So, let me give you some background to my work situation... I have worked in an administration role for a travel company for about a year and a bit, earning some millionnaire a load more money, as I scrape together enough for a extortionate copy of NME each week (£2.10, too dear for me!). Alas, the cost of rock 'n' roll these days eh!

Anyway - so now I've quit this admin role, but am working there almost part-time to train up my replacement, a 45 year old 'drink-gin-in-my-lunch-break' kinda guy. I'll be honest, the ladies find him creepy, I just think he smells a bit. So there's the pointless yet slightly entertaining background.

On Wednesday, I decided to go to work, and throughout the day, my replacement guy (lets call him Gerald) asks for my help and advice for various things. Also, our manager is away this week, so basically I'm his boss for the week, remember this! Usually, he would call for help, or stroll round to my desk to ask questions. This one time however, he decides to look at me as I walk past, say my name and use his finger as -what I can only call- a fishing hook to beckon me...

I couldn't believe it! How angered I was at this rude behaviour. Luckily I was able to curb my frustration and just have a mild 'go' at him, saying how I would not respond to that and couldn't believe he did it.... I think with him he thinks that because I am in the prime time of my life, half his age, have about 10 times more hair that him, then it is acceptable to treat me less than a human. I think not Mr Gerald! Well, I'm just glad I'm over that now and have forgiven him... I'm going to head and throw some darts at his face now :o) bye for now!

Ooo...Also, I thought I would add a little video of me filming a crowd bottle fight at Reading Festival last year before getting smacked myself, damn those kids!
