The collective meandering thoughts of Kelly and Benji.

Monday, 5 May 2008


It has been far too long since we have written a blog entry. Kelly and I apologise profusely, but there is a valid excuse...

We are currently preparing some wonderful visual treats for you to enjoy in the near future. On the 17th April was dearest Kelly's birthday, so a group of us shimmy-ed the night away in Bournemouth with some food, as well as visiting some local public houses. Video highlights to follow soon, keep your eyes peeled, it'll be worth it!

The night was great apart from the fact I lost my bank card, despite having a photo taken of me with it 5 minutes before it went missing(!) ...damn those bank card fairies! You'll hear/see more about that soon.

Anyway, just to remind you all, if you are reading this via email (because you have subscribed, well done!), then you won't be able to see any videos/pictures we upload, so come to the website to get a full whack of every delightful post we publish, then you'll really begin to enjoy the treats we have to offer!

If you are on the site, have a click on the picture to the left where it says 'video bar', to see the 2nd epidsode of Channel 69 news, our beautiful creation at university (we may have even filmed some more Channel 69 news whilst in Bournemouth....OoOo!).

Anyway, that will do for now I think. Now, of course you want to subscribe so you don't miss anything we post, therefore all you need to do is pop your email address in the space to the left where it says 'subscribe to these thoughts' and there you go! sorted! It's Bank Holiday today, so I am largin' it up at the Basingstoke Aquadrome, that's how rock 'n' roll I am, breathe Basingstoke in...